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Become a curier with Uber Eats

Start working right now. You determine when and how much you work, whether your delivery job is your main or supplemental source of income.

By clicking "Submit Application" you consent to the processing of your data, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (published in the Official Journal of the EU L No. 119,p. 1; so-called "RODO").

Salary top-up from Eternis

Get an automatic top-up when your income level falls below the expected amount. Only in Eternis you get the opportunity to take additional funds in more difficult times. Get financial stability and instant help whenever you need it. From 4 PLN/ per week

Access to funds whenever you need them:

Automatic top-up when your income level falls below the expected amount. The money will be in your account in 24 hours. Automatic top-up when your income level falls below the expected amount. The money will be in your account in 24 hours.

Simple rules and transparent terms and conditions

Fixed subscription fee regardless of the number of recharges and amount. Repayment of the recharge is divided into equal installments - no additional fees, hidden costs or contractual penalties.

Full convenience

Integration with the Eternis system for your convenience and smooth transactions. Repayment amounts are automatically deducted from your salary, and the administration and handling of your account is handled by Eternis.

Why is it worth collaborating with Uber eats

You can pick up an Uber Eats bag at our stationary offices